Why should I consider solar pool heating?

A solar heating system for your pool is an economical alternative to expensive conventional heaters. Solar collectors capture free energy from the sun and use it to heat your pool without depleting non-renewable fossil fuels.


Five good reasons for using solar heating

1. Solar saves on pool heating costs – Energy costs continue to rise. On the other hand, the sun’s energy is free, and more and more pool owners are taking advantage of this opportunity to save money and avoid future price increases. Many pool owner switch to solar because it meets all of their heating needs. But, even if you continue to use a gas or electric heater as a backup, solar heating is a smart investment that will save you money, year after year.

2. Solar extends your swimming season – A properly sized solar heating system will get you swimming earlier in the spring and later into the fall. Whether or not you have an existing heater, you can keep your pool warmer and open longer with free energy from the sun. All along the gulf coast from Pensacola to Panama City, a solar heater used in combination with a pool blanket can add several months to your swimming season.

3. Solar equipment is durable – Solar equipment lasts longer than gas or electric heaters. Most gas or electric heaters come with a two-year warranty, our UltraSwim panels come with a 12-year warranty.

4. Solar requires less maintenance – Unlike gas and electric heaters, which should be serviced by a technician every year, a solar heater requires very little servicing. Again, that means less cost and less hassle for the pool owner.

5. Solar energy is good for the environment – These days we hear a lot about the damaging effect that burning fossil fuels is having on the environment. Burning fuels releases nitrogen oxides that cause the formation of smog in urban areas. Urban smog, which is worse on warm and sunny days, affects people with respiratory problems such as asthma. Using solar energy instead of burning fossil fuels can help reduce this smog. Burning fuels also produces carbon dioxide, the main cause of climate change. Replacing a natural gas or propane heater with a solar heater could stop three to 10 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each swimming season. That’s about the same amount produced by operating your car for one year!